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Workout Wonders

Welcome to Workout Wonders


The Workout wonders app was founded to be a fun and unique fitness app that, not only has challenges and rewards but as well supports as many as possible small and local charities. 


Workout Wonders has two functions.


Function 1

Supporting you the user to reach. Surpass then inspire your new targets and goals. As the site develops we will add challenges and events to encourage not only the fitness benefits but also the social experience.


Function 2

As of April 2022 the site founders are looking to make the project a registered charity. Every £12 you pay is split down the middle. £6 covers the administration and management of the site including medals and certificates dispatch/postage together with the ongoing IT cost. There is also land line with UK based people available to support your enquiries.

The second £6 goes into the community support account. The working Wonders founder, Shaun Donnelly raises hundreds of pounds each year cycling thousands of miles to support organisations within his childhood community. Examples are The Church where his little brother rests, Calder Valley Search and Rescue and various homeless people organisations. We will continue to do this but as the site users grow we will expand nationwide and support people further afield based upon your own suggestion. We don’t support existing charities, as many people are already out there fund raising for these.

We will look at all your suggestions for causes and cases within your own community. The homeless, people struggling to make ends meet. Families struggling to fund food. People who encounter disabilities. Also fund raising events you might wish to launch in your area. Look around you as you go about your daily life and very quickly you will see those little pockets of despair and struggle. We cant change the world but we can work together to fund gestures to let people know they are not alone. Remember Workout Wonders is part of the www.working wonders training  organisations. That means free training and employment support for all unemployed.

Every Month we will publish a Workout Wonders report of where the money has gone, nobody at will ever take wages, Nobody will be paid dividends or bonus. Its all of us helping those who need it.

Thank you for your wonderful help and support.

Shaun Donnelly

Working Wonders Founder.


Last Updated: February 20, 2024 12:17

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